Thank you dear clients
Gina C. James
for the deep trust you give to your healing process.
Thank you again and again for your courage to face challenges with renewed presence, patience and persistence, one session at a time. It is my privilege to provide grounded, deep and potent Bodywork as well as folding in my additional passions of Spiritual Direction, Evolutionary Astrology and SoulCollage®.
Photo: Erin Berk Photography
Gina C. James moved from Denver, Colorado to Portland, Oregon in 1989 to complete her B.A. in Theater with Minors in Gender and Indian Cultural Studies. From her experience as a performance artist and studies abroad in southeast Asia, she has integrated an extensive background in honoring the body as a sacred instrument.
In April 2000 she completed her studies at Oregon School of Massage, and received her licensure through the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists. She graduated with over 750 hours of study focusing on an "East meets West" approach. Her primary studies included Deep Tissue Swedish massage, Chinese Shiatsu and Reiki. This unique combination has informed her holistic approach to treating mind, body, soul and spirit.
In an effort to continue to honor the whole person as an integrated being, she studied Spiritual Direction from 2004-2006 with Namaste Contemplative Listening. She continues to stay connected with a large and diverse spiritual community and has attended international conferences with SDI International in San Francisco and Vancouver B.C.
Having a lifetime love of astrology, Gina decided to pursue weaving this aspect into her practice. From 2011-2017 attended semiannual Evolutionary Astrology Apprenticeships with Steven Forrest. This has provided a strong foundation upon which she has continued to build her skills through ongoing education with classes and conferences through Portland School of Astrology, NORWAC, and most recently focusing on Experiential Astrology with Jason Holley.
Gina also trained as a SoulCollage® facilitator with Seena Frost in 2013 and has worked with groups utilizing this creative form to excavate greater internal clarity and compassion for the ways in which our humaness and connection to divinity manifests and in turn has a hand in co-creating our world.
Gina identifies as a queer, liberal, fat, feminist body diviner. Through her deep love and study of the multidimensional body, astrological language and spiritual mysticism over the last 30+ years, she meets you where you are and co-creates a space for exploring, healing and attending to the cycles of change and stability.